
Saturday, 5 October 2013

Report Of First Visit(Latvia)

1st Project meeting minutes

Dates: 16 – 21/09/2013 program of the meeting attached)
Introducing Latvia
16 & 17/09/2013 Project partners get to know Latvia: Riga and Līgatne & Sigulda.
  1. Project discussions 18 – 19/09/2013
1)      As planned in the programme, visit to Salaspils city council, kindergartens
“ Atvasīte”, “ Daugaviņa”, “ Jāņtārpiņš” , “Saulīte”.  
2)      Partners introduce themselves. Each partner presents the country and the school.  
3)      The  following questions were discussed:
a.       The project meeting schedule;
b.      Project blog;
c.       Project logo;
d.      Calendar for year 2014
e.      Work on methodology;
  1. The following decisions were
2.1. The project meeting schedule and approach
2.1.1.        Meeting dates
2nd meeting – Spain:  11.11.2013-15.11.2013
3rd meeting – Romania: March 2014, proposed dates 03-08.03.2014
4th meeting – Poland: May-June-July 2014, Poland proposes dates for the meeting for Spain, to be agreed in the 2nd meeting in Spain.
5th meeting – Hungary: September 2014
6th meeting – Turkey; tentative months April 2015
7th meeting – FINAL project meeting in Italy, 26-30/06/2015

2.1.2.        Bilateral meetings: to fulfil mobilities, partners agree on bilateral meeting schedule to ensure better teacher cooperation;  For the meeting in Spain bilateral meetings for 2014 proposed and arranged between partners.

2.1.3.        Each following project meeting has at least one participant who has taken part in the previous meeting. Ideally, one person responsible for the overall project implementation is present at all project meetings where discussions and agreements will be made on project activities.

3.       Project BLOG

The purpose of the blog is to ensure that all materials and references to results are found in one place for information sharing and reporting purposes.
It should be simple, easily accessible and with links to national partner websites (if such exist). Each partner decides the amount of information they add to the blog on their part. If a link is provided to activity description in the national site, a short description of activity is to be included in English.

Turkey representative introduced blog idea:
-          Chosen site: (google blogspot blogs)
-          Ideas for blog name were expressed and some tested. Turley checks the suggested names for availability and sets up the access to other partners;
-          Each partner is responsible to send to Turkey information:
o    what they can/can not post on the blog, e.g. pictures of children etc.; In principle: Any use of photos and videos of the partners to be uploaded only with their permission
o   Each country will have a section, and will update own part as they feelk required;
o   Common sections will include parts on a) project meetings, b) common activities;  c)  Any other – possibly methodology work and findings could have a separate section
-          Turkey checks the EU requirements for the Visibility criteria: what/which logos have to be included in the blog (e.g. Comenius logo, any phrases representing project; project  number/title.)
-          For the meeting in Spain Turkey presents the outline of the blog and shows how to work with it.

5.       LOGO

Each country presented the ideas of logos (prepared drawings by teachers and children. By simple voting the base idea was taken from Turkey, and Turkey with Romania will finalise 2-3 proposals to be chosen between and agreed upon in Spain.

6.       Calendar 2014
-          It was agreed to make own calendars: the subject – introducing the country and the school.
-          LANGUAGE: use of English and national language (e.g. Monday/Pirmdiena; March/Marts etc.)
-          Format: PDF or other ready for printing by partners.
-          Possible templates for calendar were referred to. Countries can use children’s drawing, photography etc. for making own calendar.
-          Partners will exchange calendars before December 2013. If anyone has the calendar ready for meeting in Spain, printed versions (and electronic) can be exchanged already there.

7.       Methodology:
Partners introduces their experience in using English in teaching process.
a.       Poland:
As bilingual school, the approach includes having a Polish and English speaking teachers in class at the same time. Each teacher uses respective language – Polish speaks with children in Polish; English – in English.  Teachers use songs, games, rhymes. It is important to use short sentences in communication with children: like washing hands, tidy up etc and by way of singing help a lot.
b.      Turkey:
At school there is a designated English teacher  that does not speak Turkish and every day has English classes with different groups, and the rest of the day the teacher participates in other activities, speaking with children in English. Turkey uses specific materials (English learning books) in work with children in English classes
c.       Italy, Hungary, Latvia and Spain does not have experience in introducing English in every day practice.
7.1. It was agreed that:
d.      Partners send to coordinator
·   Daily routine description (how the day in school is organised)
·   Any specific songs and rhymes they use with children, that have English alternative (like Happy birthday song).
Partners send information to coordinator about activities that they want other partners to receive or be informed about.
When the blog is operational  - updates will be made on the blog.

9.       Project meetings:
a.       Each meeting is organised by the host country.
b.      The program is prepared in advance coordinating with the project coordinator and getting inputs from partners in advance.

10.   Issues to be finalised/discussed in Spain:
a.       Blog: Turkey + coordinator; + information on Visibility criteria to be included in national materials and common products.
b.      Logo: Turkey + Romania
c.       Exchange of calendar;
d.      Methodology
·   Partners send outlines /Ideas to coordinator for the methods and points that can be set as reference (benchmark) to test current level of knowledge for teachers and students involved in January 2014 to be compared with the results in 6 months and 1 year after starting English integration testing in schools: Coordinator prepares outline of ideas sent before the meeting. Please send before October 31, to allow coordinator to summarise ideas. Support will be asked particularly from Poland this time (and Turkey other times).
·   Testing could include ideas for blocks of words that various age groups are learning in native language; words/phrases that are linked to daily routine;

·   Partners send to coordinator (before October 15) description of daily routine in their school for the age groups that will participate in the project; Coordinator reviews the material and prepares ideas for the methodology work (with support of Poland/Turkey) to be agreed upon in Spain.
e.      List of common activities proposed and discussed:
11.   Next activities:
a.       26th September – Language day; each partner informs others on own activities;

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