
Friday 1 November 2013



 08:30-09:30                   Entry and acceptance in the classroom

09:30-10:00                 Call the roll and  Conversations and Routine  Activities

10:00-11:00                 Structured activities and not

11:00-11:30                 Activities for disciplines more English

11:30-12:00                 Preparation for the lunch

12:00-13:00                 Lunch

13:00-14:00                 Rest or free play

14:00-15:30                 Structured activities and not

15:30-16:00                 Free play

16:00-16:30                 Exit
Activities are targeted based on the age of the children, the goal is common for  all children.

Example: Subject: Autumn.

Children: 3 years: Direct observation of nature, preprinted cards, manipulation of various materials, stories, nursery rhymes, poems.

English activity–Subject: greetings: HELLO – GOODBYE (songs – mimes – dramas – and role-play)

Example:  Subjects: Autumn

Children: 4 years: Direct observation of nature, free design, pre-printed cards, the use of various materials for billboards and chores autumn, stories, poems, songs and dramas, physical activities inherent in the sounds, noises and movements (leaves)  of autumn.

English activities: Subject:  greetings: Good Morning – Good Night – and  words related to daily routine: stand up – sit down – draw – colour – sing – play – and etc. (songs – mimes-dramas – role – play – drawing cards).

Example: Subject:Autumn.

Children: 5 years: Direct observation of nature, free design, pre-printed cards, the use of various materials for billboards and chores autumn, stories, poems, songs and drama, physical activities inherent in the sounds, noises and movements (leaves)  of autumn, list all the elements autumn and begin to write in Italian.

English activities: Subject:  greetings: Good Morning – Good Night – and  words related to daily routine: stand up – sit down – draw – colour – sing –  play – go in – go out – and the words related to Autimn (songs – mimes – dramas – role – play – drawing cards)



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