
Thursday 4 September 2014

How does the sport influence English in our kindergarten?

In this article we can answer this easy question and share some photos from our sport and pool activities with  you.
During the summer camp we were able to make pool activities .It helped  kids to improve their health and knowledge of English because the  English teacher was attending   every activity so kids were able to hear not only Turkish commands but  English too.
During  sport  and pool lessons we practiced the  following vocabulary:
·         Hands up!
·         Stand up!
·         Sit down!
·         To run
·         To stop
·         To jump
·         To breathe in
·         То breathe out
·         То stretch
·         Repeat after me(friend,teacher)
·         Make one line
·         Right,left
·         Move your … (different parts of the body)
·         To swim
·         To dive

So kids have learnt this vocabulary and word combinations  successfully and with fun!
Kids are happy –teachers are happy!:)

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