Our kindergatren group, number 9,
has successfully started cooperation with Salaspils 1st Secondary school
students from class 6c.
On 7th of November, students came to kindergarten to share songs and knowledge of the English language in play. At first, the students introduced with themselves and sang us a song in English "Five Little Monkey", which all sang together. Students had prepared a game of "Favourite Toy Group", a group of children had to choose a favorite toy and each tell about it, then all together found how the toys called in English, in that a way the children learned a lot of new word and expanded their vocabulary in English. Also, the kindergarten children had prepared a performance - song "ABC song",song with movements of body parts "One little finger". All together, this song got even more resonant. And finally all had a chance to play together.
I always remember is what I once read: show your students you are there for them, share thoughts and feelings, show them you are also a human being, but REMEMBER they are your students: Not your friends". Shocking! As I could see in our days there are still teachers which still can not realized this quote. For my luck I found one of those awesome teachers and it is even online - http://www.bistroenglish.com/ . That was one of the reasons to start English course online. I guess this is inspiring me to write something as a follow up activity.