
Wednesday 1 April 2015

Play "The ugly baby duck"

For this moment in our kindergarten we are preparing play! Results of our labout you will come as soon as you come here!

The ugly baby duck
AUTHOR:  Oh Look! Mummy duck is sitting on some eggs. One !Two! Three! Four eggs. Listen!

DADDY:                “Quack! Quack!”
“ What’s that?”

BABIES(3):          “quack, quack, quack!”

AUTHOR:             Three baby ducks!
                Mummy and daddy duck are very happy!
BABIES:                               “Hello mummy. Hello daddy.”

DADDY:                “ Hello baby ducks!”

AUTHOR:             But look!
                One more egg!
                It’s a big egg!

UGLY DUCK:       Tap! Tap!

MUMMY:             “Listen everyone!”

UGLY DUCK:       Tap! Tap! Tap!

MUMMY:             “Oh dear! What a big baby duck!”

BABIES:                               “What  an ugly baby duck!”
“It isn’t yellow!”

AUTHOR:             Baby duck is sad. Baby duck goes away.  POOR BABY DUCK! Baby duck sees the chicken.

UGLY DUCK:       “Hello!”
                “Are you my mummy?”

AUTHOR:               But the chicken says

CHICKEN:            “Cluck….cluck! No! Not me! I’m a chicken!”

AUTHOR:             Baby duck sees the mouse.

UGLY DUCK:       “Hello!”
                “Are you my mummy?”

AUTHOR:               But the mouse says

MOUSE:               “Eek….eek! No! Not me! I’m a mouse!”

AUTHOR:             Baby duck sees the frog.

UGLY DUCK:       ‘’Hello!”. “Are you my mummy?”

AUTHOR:             But the frog says

FROG:                   “Ribbet! Ribbet! No! Not me! I’m a frog!”

UGLY DUCK:       “Hello!”
                “Are you my mummy?”

AUTHOR:               But the snake says

SNAKE:                “Eek….eek! No! Not me! I’m a snake!”

AUTHOR:               Baby duck is sleepy. The frog(3) ,the mouse(3)  and the snake are singing  a song.

Song “Go to sleep baby duck”

AUTHOR:             It’s morning and… oh look! Two swans! Daddy swan and mummy swan. They are looking at baby duck.

DADDY SWAN: “Honk! Honk! Wake up! Wake up!”

MUMMY SWAN:“Look in the water!”

AUTHOR:             Baby duck looks in the water and she sees a baby swan!

UGLY DUCK:       “ Honk! Honk! LOOK AT ME!I’M A SWAN!”.

AUTHOR:             The baby swan is very happy!

UGLY DUCK:       “Hurray!”
“I’m a swan! I’m a swan! I’m a swan! Honk! Honk! Honk!”

FROG:                   “Ribbet! Ribbet!”
“She’s a swan”

MOUSE:               “Eek! Eek!”
“She’s a swan!”

AUTHOR:             Look, here are mummy, daddy and baby swan and here are the animals.

Mummy duck:  “Quack! What a beautiful baby swan!”

BABY DUCKS:     “Quack! What a beautiful baby swan!”

CHICKENS:          “Cluck! Cluck! What a beautiful baby swan!”

SWANS:               “ Honk! Honk! Honk!”

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