
Friday, 6 December 2013

Daily routine, childhood education in CEIP Jerónima Reche


Greetings, habits input, meeting…
Work table unit
Corners of symbolic plays
Lunch, break (playtime outside of the classroom) or free play.
Relaxation: short stories, visit the library, music, stimulating language ...
Individual work (math and literacy)
Workshops, psychomotor, music, library
Collection and final assembly

It will be one of the most important times of the day, in which we will: greeting and input habits  and take off their coats, put on their smocks, place the bag, sit on the carpet, to appoint the head (the responsible pupil) of the day, they tell some important event happened to a child... We will carry out daily routines, such as roll call, see what the weather is today, the day of the week, the season in which we are, reviewing some poetry, talk about the activities that we will carry out over day, introduce new concepts, we will review the concepts learned, motivate the children with tales of each teaching unit ...

Work table unit
At this time, individual work is encouraged and will be able to conduct a more individualized teaching building, expansion and consolidation activities. We will make specific records of the units, as graph motor activities, math and language concepts, new vocabulary ...

Corners of symbolic plays
Free game in small group in different corners of the classroom. Children go through different corners in small groups and organized manner with a heterogeneously formed groups.

Lunch, break (playtime outside of the classroom) or free play.

LUNCH AND CLEANING HYGIENE HABITS: They pick up everything during lunch, washing hands, share with colleagues, eat everything and then, they have free time.

RELAXATION with the following activities spread over 5 days: relaxation activities with all the class, storytelling with Rodari techniques, music, language stimulation.

Individual works
We will individually tabs on logical-mathematical notions and literacy depending on each day.

Final assembly
FINAL  ASSEMBLY where we will discuss everything that happened throughout the day. We will promote the motivation of children with program points about behavior.

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