
Wednesday 22 October 2014

„In the Sályi market” (traditional antdoor games)

„In the Sályi market”
Age of participants:  4– 7 years
Participants: minimum 10
Time required: 10 minutes
Place: both indoors and outdoors

Ø To develope hearing observing ability,right pronunciation of the text.
Ø To develope sense of rhythm.
Ø To educate emotion , singing together , through games.
Ø To develope movements, keeping the circle.
Ø To develope clear singing,singing the song in the proper tone.
Ø To experience the pleasure of singing, while they are playing together.

The song in English
In the Sályi market, market
Selling apples one women, one women.
She’s a blessed women, blessed women.
She gives six for one groat, one groat.

How to play?
Opposite the market woman one child is esquating on his heels, that is the „apple”. At the end of the song the market woman shows on one child, who stands behind the „apple” as a customer, then asks:
Ø How much is the appple?
Market woman:
Ø Three groat, each.
Ø Who buys it?

The „apple” listening the voice tries to find out the name of the customer.

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