
Sunday, 12 October 2014


1.      Circle, Column, Line
How to play:
Children are dancing /moving/ according to the music’s rhythm / it changes every time /. When the music stops the teacher tells:
CIRCLE!!!!!--- All children have to make a circle.

 The music continues.
COLUMN!!!--- All make a column opposite the teacher.

 The music continues.
LINE!!!---- All make a line face to face the teacher.

2.      The Eagle Catches the Chickens
The game “the eagle catches the chickens” is also called “the weasel eats the chickens”, in which one acts as the eagle, one the hen and the rest the chickens. The game goes like this: the “hen” and the “chickens” stand in a line with the “hen” in the very front spreading both arms to protect the “chickens” and each one clasping the clothes tail of the one right in front of it. The “eagle” should seek every opportunity to catch the “chicken”. If one “chicken” is caught, “it” should exchange the role with the “eagle”. If the “eagle” cannot catch any “chicken”, the game would proceed until its final success.


Speed is a game plaied with balls and plastic cones.
 The plastic cones are placed in a straight line on the ground, 1 meter away one from the other. The cones must be of the same number as the members of a team.

 Two teams of children line up in front of two rows of cones. At the sign of the teacher the children take turns running towards the farthes unoccupied cone, place the ball and come back to the starting line.

 When a runner arrives, like in a relay, the next runner takes a ball and runs to the next available cone to place it. The team that finishes first wins. The same game can be plaied with a single cone per team. The first runner places the ball, the next one brings it back and so on, until all the children have carried the ball. The fastest team wins the game. 

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